
The motif here is vintage jeans from the late 1950s, which were created from the desire to recreate the color fading and atmosphere of those days. This Ivy Wash jean is a washed 13oz Japanese redline selvedge denim, intended to reproduce the feel, quality, and fading of a true vintage pair of American denim, featured in a Relaxed Tapered fit with a comfortable top block and a leg that slims from the knee down. As jeans naturally become attached to you as you wash them or wear them, and the subsequent discoloration of jeans worn in everyday life results in the faded shades that are proof of spending time together, jeans worn as everyday wear have a different look than the rugged discoloration worn as workwear. Ivy Wash is a reprodcution of denim faded through work, so you can enjoy growing your own jeans from one wash and to enjoy the texture and natural fading that has been implemented. Studio D'Artisan would like you to enjoy various jeans, both raw and washed. We recommend to size...

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